Friday, February 23, 2007

"Obama Says He Wants End to 'Tit-For-Tat'

AP (Nedra Pickler):
Fresh off a spat with rival Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says he'd like to see an end to the "tit-for-tat" that dominates politics.
The Obama and Clinton campaigns fired off dueling press releases this week over a top Hollywood donor who was a supporter of Bill Clinton but is backing Obama in this race.

The Clinton campaign demanded that Obama return DreamWorks studio co-founder David Geffen's money after Geffen criticized the Clintons as dishonest, among other things. Obama declined, and his spokesman criticized Clinton in return for accepting the support of a South Carolina lawmaker who said Obama can't win because he's black.

Obama told donors at a Houston fundraiser Thursday night that the nation will remain at a standstill "if we continue to engage in small and divisive politics and tit-for-tat."

"Our country is at a crossroads right now," he said, citing problems in Iraq and domestically with education, energy and health care. "It's not as if we don't know what the solutions are. What's missing is the inability of our leadership to develop consensus."

Obama was speaking to about 300 people gathered at the Communication Workers of America union hall. Although the event was advertised as requiring a minimum $100 contribution, lower amounts were accepted at the door.

The campaign would not say how much Obama raised at the event. He also visited St. Louis earlier in the day to raise money.

Obama was scheduled to speak Friday at a massive outdoor rally in Austin, Texas. More than 10,000 people have signed up for free tickets on Obama's Web site, the campaign said.


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